Gudrun Gut’s story spans many years, scenes, and sounds, from the “ingenious dilettantes” subculture of early 1980’s Berlin as part of Mania D, Einstürzende Neubauten, and Malaria! to Matador into an expansive solo catalog of later work. Her talents extend beyond musician, however, to include founding record labels (the influential imprints Moabit Musik and Monika Enterprise), radio presenter and producer together with Thomas Fehlmann (10 years Oceanclub Radio for RadioEins), club nights (progressive electronic pop collective Oceanclub), festival curation (with Fehlmann/Meteo on MarkeB, or now UM-Festival) and the recent experimental feminist collaborations (Monika Werkstatt). Projects have included collaborations with Antye Greie (AGF) and Hans-Joachim Irmler of Faust, participating on the advisory committee for Musicboard Berlin, 2016-2022 part of the artist funding jury of Initiative Musik DE. 2018/9 new celebrated solo album MOMENT with concerts in Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Spain, Romania, France and Germany. 2019 she received the ‘Listen to Berlin Award’ for development and support of the Berlin musicscene. 2021 publishing of the Book “M_DOKUMENTE” (Ventil Verlag) together with Beate Bartel and Bettina Köster which was launched by an exhibtion and record release “M_Sessions” in Berlin at Silent Green – all about Mania D., Malaria!, Matador. In 2023 she filmed and released her own miniseries GUT for the German TV ARD Mediathek (Regie Heiko Lange + Gudrun Gut, online until Dec 2025).
BIO Long (EN)
Gudrun Gut’s CV is an eclectic one, spanning a wide range of media and collaborations.
While still a student at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin (1978-84) Gut first came to prominence in the early eighties as part of a scene the media dubbed “ingenious dilletantes”. A member of Mania D (with Bettina Koester and Beate Bartel) and an early incarnation of Einstürzende Neubauten she soon formed successful eighties all-female art rock band MALARIA! with Bettina Koester, then touring Europe and the USA with a 5 piece line up including Manon P.Duursma, Susanne Kuhnke, Christine Hahn. ‘Malaria!’ is still talked about and even reached the charts in 2001 via a “Kaltes Klares Wasser” remix by “ChicKs on Speed”, incidentally.
In the late eighties Gut was part of three women band MATADOR (with Manon P. Duursma and Beate Bartel) and started to use a computer for her compositions – since the early nineties Gut has been responsible for some film scores, videos and radio plays. In 1991 she started a international mixed media collaboration with Myra Davies (Canada) with the albums Davies/Gut: Miasma 1. 2. 3.
Two years later she founded the OCEANCLUB, a loose collective of likeminded souls with a unique approach for music, taking it from a variety of angles. A result was the Electronic-Pop CD G.Gut: Members of the Oceanclub which was recently rereleased on Moabit Musik including an extra cd with remixes.
Founder and owner of two labels (Monika Enterprise and Moabit Musik) Gut promotes unconventional attitude.
Moabit Musik (est. 1990) reissues material by Malaria!, Matador, Miasma and other projects with a personal involvement, while Monika Enterprise supports young artist in the realm of new electronic/independent music (est. 1997, over 80 releases to date) such as Quarks, Barbara Morgenstern, Cobra Killer, Contriva, Michaela Melián, Islaja.
A skilled audio engineer, programmer and record producer Gut is active in the technical production and commercial sectors of the recording industry.
Introduced to internet broadcasting and new media communications Gut curated or produced live electronic media events all over Europe, featuring both her own work (as a DJ / Music selector) and that of other artists (Monika Label Nights, Oceanclub Nights, Marke B – a Berlin Label gathering curated by oceanclub- Gudrun Gut, Thomas Fehlmann and Daniel Meteo).
Together with Thomas Fehlmann Gut hosted and co-produced 600 x OCEANCLUB Radio “musica obscura” on Radio Eins 1997-2012 in Berlin.
Apart from her eclectic DJ appearances in Clubs and at Festivals Gut finally released her first solo album “I Put a Record on” in April 2007. Since then she is doing live performances with her laptop and microfone accompanied by her videoclips.
In 2009 she started working on a music collaboration with Antye Greie (AGF) for BBC Late Junction. The result was the beginning of their album “Baustelle”. The album was released in 2010 and Greie Gut Fraktion were performing Baustelle with live videos on various Festivals. 2011 they released the album “ReKonstruktion” with fine Remixes.
2011 Gudrun Gut received the v.u.t. Goldene Indieaxt “to praise her unconventional approach as labelworker, as an artist and networker”.
Gudrun Gut started writing her new album “Wildlife” (released october 2012) with a follow-up of international concerts.
2013-14 part of the advisory committee of the new Berlin Musicboard. She became active with female:pressure.
2014 she started a new Collaboration with Hans-Joachim Irmler (known from FAUST) as GUT und IRMLER. They recorded the album “500m” at Faust Studio in Scheer which was released by Bureau B . Many live performances followed, in February 2015 they played at the Nrmal festival in Mexico City.
2015 solo concerts in Columbia, beginning of Monika Werkstatt events around Germany combining talk, music and improv with different labelartists from monika and moabit. She started the studiowork “Vogelmixe” for Heimatlieder aus Deutschland summer 2015 till spring 2016.
2016 Australia/Vietnam tour supported by Goethe Institut. Monika Werkstatt events and recording session, 2.nd of September “Vogelmixe” Album release with Run United. Studiowork Myra Davies album.
2016-2022 part of the artist funding jury of Initiative Musik.
2017 release “Myra Davies: Sirens (Music by Beate Bartel and Gudrun Gut, Moabit21 CD) and “Bartel/Gut: Instrumentals for Sirens (Instrumental mixes, Moabit20 LP)”
release “VA: Monika Werkstatt” (DoLP, CD monika90) with the Werkstatt Artists: AGF, Barbara Morgenstern, Beate Bartel, Danielle de Picciotto, Gudrun Gut, Islaja, Lucrecia Dalt, Pilocka Krach, Sonae and special Werkstatt Guest on Air: Natalie Beridze. The first worldwide collaboration of 10 female producers together on a record. Together they did a Videoclip for the track “Grow” (edited by Danielle de Picciotto) and did various Monika Werkstatt Live events.
20 Years Monika Enterprise – Shitkatapult, Karaoke Kalk and Monika each celebrate 20 years labelwork as “SKM60 – Pop-Kultur Festival” August 23.-25th at Prater Berlin.
2018 Lecture at Red Bull Academy Berlin w. Hanna Bächer playing with Âme live at the Innervision Night at Royal Albert Hall, London.
Creating part3 of the FIlm Soundtrack “Symphony of Now” together with Thomas Fehlmann and Frank Wiedemann.
Curating music site of UM-Festival Uckermark taken place in Gerswalde.
Monika Werkstatt Berlin – electronical Improvisation with different artist on various Berlin locations
2019 new celebrated solo album MOMENT with concerts in Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Spain, Romania, France and Germany an Mutek Montreal.
‘Listen to Berlin Award’ for development and support of the Berlin musicscene
2020 together with Beate Bartel supervising the extended studio and online Sessions “Monika Werkstatt reworks Mania D., Malaria!, Matador” including a wild range of female artists such as AGF, Anika (Annika Henderson), Beate Bartel, Gudrun Gut, Islaja, Lucrecia Dalt, Midori Hirano, Mommo G, Natalie Beridze, Pilocka Krach, Sonae.
2020/21 Remixes for Paul Frick “Schöneberg”, Gloria de Oliveira “The Only Wittness”, Hope “Shame”, Donna Maya “People Mover”.
Composition Resonanz 2.0 for a showroom by Ralf Brög, U-Bahn Heinrich-Allee Düsseldorf DE
Filmmusic and German voice (English: Charlotte Rampling) for the Albert Oehlen movie “The Painter/Der Maler”
Hybrid Collaboration Album “Gudrun Gut + Mabe Fratti: Lets Talk About The Weather” released summer 2021 by mexcian connoisour label Umor Rex.
2021 publishing of the Book “M_DOKUMENTE”(Ventil Verlag) by the editors Beate Bartel, Gudrun Gut and Bettina Köster and it was joint by an exhibtion and record release “M_Sessions” in Berlin at Silent Green – all about Mania D., Malaria!, Matador.
2023 part of the Berlin Club Commission Jury for “Tag der Clubcultur”
Concepting, fIlming and finishing the miniseries GUT for the German TV ARD Mediathek together with Heiko Lange.
A quote from UK magazine ‘The Wire’ (by Philip Sherburne) :
“This is a story about a ‘geniale dilletante’; a punk and a No Waver and an early adopter of computer pop; a girl from German heatherlands who moved to Berlin to become one of the city’s central figures – feminist agitator, festival organizer, entrepreneur. Plus of course musician, performance artist, DJ, radio presenter, club organizer, cultural ambassador and label owner. She has done all of this largely by maintaining her independence. Not in the rejectionist strain that characterizes knee-jerk American individualism, but rather by creating and attending to niches and spaces of possibility in the interstices and the margins.”
seit 1979 Aktivistin der Berliner Musikszene und Teil von verschiedenen Bands und Projekten (Mania D., Einstürzende Neubauten, Malaria!, Matador, Davies/Gut, Greie Gut Fraktion, Gut und Irmler, Monika Werkstatt, Solo als Gudrun Gut), Labelmacherin (Monika und Moabit Musik), Radiomacherin (zusammen mit Thomas Fehlmann “Ocean Club Radio” für Radio Eins Berlin 1997-2007) sowie Festival Kuratorin (Marke B – Berliner Labelnächte, Um-Festival, Monika Werkstatt). 2019 erhielt sie den ‘Listen to Berlin Award’ für Förderung und Entwicklung der Berliner Musikszene. 2021 M_Dokumente Book and M_Sessions Album – all about Mania D., Malaria!, Matador.
2023 eigene Minidokuserie GUT für ARD Mediathek (Regie Heiko Lange + Gudrun Gut).
Gudrun Gut lebt und arbeitet in Berlin und in der Uckermark.
Gudrun Gut – Künstlerischer Werdegang
1975 kommt Gudrun Gut aus der Lüneburger Heide nach Berlin.
Studium Visuelle Kommunikation an der Hochschule der Künste Berlin.
1979-90 Gründungsmitglied der Bands Mania D (1979), Einstürzende Neubauten (1980), Malaria! (1981) und Matador (1982) und Teil des Festivals Genialer Dilletanten (1981, siehe auch Geniale Dilletanten, hrsg. v. Wolfgang Müller, Berlin [Merve Verlag] 1982). Diverse Alben und internationale Konzerte mit Malaria und Matador.
1984 Zusammenstellung und Veröffentichung der Musik Kassette “Sleep? Berlin 1984” für Kartell DE und Japan.
1986 die Videocompilation mit experimentellen Musikclips “Morgana”, Kartell DE.
Gründung der Performance-Musik Gruppe “Madame Bovary”.
Musik und Zusammenarbeit mit Anne Jud an Performance “AD AKTA” und “Die SCHNEEKÖNIGIN”, released by 23-5 Köln als MC.
1990 Gudrun spricht die Ophelia in dem Hörspiel Die Hamletmaschine von Heiner Müller (Musik: Einstürzende Neubauten, Hamlet: Blixa Bargeld) Funkhaus Berlin
1991-92 Hörspielmusiken für PHILOKTET (Heiner Müller) SIXT ENDERLEIN IM PARADIES (G.Stecher), DAS TRUNKENE SCHIFF (A. Rimbaud) – produziert von Wolfgang Rindfleisch im Funkhaus Berlin
1991 Gründun des Music/SpokenWord Projekts Miasma zusammen mit Myra Davies
1992–94 Stipendiantin am Banff Centre for the Arts (Kanada) des Programms The Instability of the Feminist Subject; Aufführung der Miasma – a Butoh Opera, Banff Centre for the Arts
Musical Director für das Musiktheaterstück Stupid as a Rose von Myra Davies, Calgary (Kanada)
Davies/Gut beim Angry Women Festival, Berlin/Wien. Alben: Davies/Gut: Miasma 1, Miasma 2, Miasma 3
1995 Album Members of the Oceanclub, Solo mit Kollaborationen aus dem Club-, Indie- und Pop-Umfeld, daraus entwickelt sich ein loses Künstler-Kollektiv – der Oceanclub –, mit zahllosen Events in den Folgejahren. Residencies im Tresor, WMF Berlin und Club-Abende u.a. in Peking, Tokyo, London, New York, München und immer wieder Berlin.
1997 gründete sie Label Monika Enterprise mit Fokus auf Förderung von Künstler*innen
1997–2012 produzierte sie zusammen mit Thomas Fehlmann 600 Folgen der zweistündigen Oceanclub Radio Show für Radio Eins/RBB
2000 Drei große Oceanclub-Abende in der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin (volk 1–3), Kuration und Durchführung mit Daniel Meteo und Thomas Fehlmann.
2001 der Titel „Kaltes Klares Wasser“ von Malaria! geht in einem Remix von Chicks on Speed in die Top Ten der deutschen Charts
2001–05 Vier Editionen des mehrtätigen Festivals markeB mit Fokus auf Berliner Labels, Kuration und Durchführung mit Daniel Meteo und Thomas Fehlmann
Brillenschlangen – Performance von Pipilotti Rist mit Gudrun Gut und Gästen, Auditorium im hkw Berlin
2006 Video+Sound Installation “Celle zu zweit selbst“ als GUTaRIST – Gudrun Gut + Pipilotti Rist for Sonambiete Festival, Berlin
2007 erstes Solo Album I Put A Record On; mit beachtlichem Feedback von Presse und Fans aus dem In- und Ausland, es folgten internationale Konzerte (u.a. USA, Russland, China, Neuseeland, Australien, Skandinavien, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien usw.)
2009 Kooperation mit Antye Greie/AGF als Greie Gut Fraktion mit den Album Baustelle und Rekonstruktion sowie vielen Konzerten
University of Colorado, Boulder Visiting Artist+ Talk
Visiting Artist in der Merz Akademie Stuttgart
2010 Beginn des zweijährlichen UM-Festival für Kunst, Literatur und Musik in der Uckermark, Musik-Kuration zusammen mit Thomas Fehlmann.
Präsidentin der Qwartz Electronic Music Awards Verleihung im Palais Bourse, Paris FR
2011 Goldene IndieAxt des Verbands unabhängiger Musikunternehmer e.V. an Gudrun Gut „to praise her unconventional approach as labelworker, artist, networker and activist“;
Filmmusik (mit Jan Tilman Schade) für den Dokumentarfilm A Man For A Day von Katarina Peters.
Teilnahme am Gedichterbe Projekt von AGF mit dem Text von Anna Ritter (1865 − 1921) Gudrun Gut “Ich wollt´, ich wär des Sturmes Weib”.
2012 erscheint das zweite Soloalbum Wildlife mit der Single Garten; internationale Konzerte (u.a. Australien, Neuseeland, Argentinien und Peru); Start als Aktivistin bei female:pressure. (internationales queer-feministisches Netzwerk für elektronische Musik und digitale Künste)
Zusammenarbeit mit Brandt Brauer Frick beim Stück „Fantasiemädchen“
2013–15 Beiratsmitglied des Musicboard Berlin, Gründungsphase
2013 Zusammenarbeit mit Hans-Joachim Irmler (Faust) – das Album Gut und Irmler: 500m erscheint 2014 bei bureau B; Konzerte folgen sowie Workshop und Konzert beim Festival Nrmal in Mexiko;
2014 erste Zusammenarbeiten mit Heimatlieder aus Deutschland.
Mitarbeit beim Festival female:pressure Perspectives in Berlin.
Musikauswahl “sehr gut radio” für einen Raum in der Ausstellung Martin Kippenberger: Sehr gut, Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin.
2015 Gründung des Künstlerkollektivs Monika Werkstatt, mit dem Motto “Leben und Arbeiten, Träumen und Wirken”, Musik, Improvisation und Diskussionen mit unterschiedlichen Künstlerinnen aus dem Labelumfeld Monika/Moabit in div Städten.
Weitere Solo Konzerte zb in Columbia, Tour Australia/Vietnam.
2016 Veröffentlichung des Albums Vogelmixe, Remixe bzw. Bearbeitungen internationaler Volkslieder der Gruppe Heimatlieder aus Deutschland, gemeinsame Konzerte;
Aufführung von Monika Werkstatt in div. Städten.
2016-2022 Jurymitglied der Künstler*innenförderung von Initiative Musik
2017 Alben Myra Davies: Sirens und Beate Bartel/Gudrun Gut: Instrumentals for Sirens
Fortsetzung Konzerte, Workshops und Panels von Monika Werkstatt in Europa; Jubiläumsveranstaltung „20 Jahre Monika Enterprise“ SKM60 bei Pop-Kultur Berlin
2018 Kollaboration mit Thomas Fehlmann und Frank Wiedemann für den Soundtrack zum Film “Symphonie of Now” und mit Âme bei dem Track „Gerne“ für ihr Album ‘Deam House’ und live at Royal Albert Hall London bei der “Innervision night”
Kuration der Musik für das UM-Festival 2018 in Gerswalde/Uckermark
Kollaboration bei “Illumination (Rimbaud)” von Soundwalk Collective und Patti Smith für die Deutsche Version des Hörspiels bei DLF Kultur (New York Festivals Radio Program Awards 2018 Kategorie Sound Art)
2019 Musiktheater „Dead Season“ 4 Aufführungen im Hebbel Theater Berlin von Monika Werkstatt (Pilocka Krach, Gudrun Gut, Beate Bartel, Islaja) mit Showcase Beat Le Mot
Neues Solo Album “MOMENT” mit Konzerten Weltweit (u.a. Philharmonie Köln DE, 6th Tomorrow Festival Shenzhen CN, Mutek Montreal CA)
2 x 4 Stunden Monika Ambient Werkstatt bei Res.o.nant im Jüdisches Museum Berlin mit NTS Radio UK Übertragung.
Erhält den ‘Listen to Berlin Award’ für die Förderung und Entwicklung der Berliner Musikszene.
Stimme für „Catábasis“ Hörspiel von Lucrecia Dalt + Regina de Migue für DR Kultur
2020 im März letztes Konzert beim Elevate Festival in Graz,
Komposition Resonanz 2.0 für Ralf Brög für seinen Modellraum in dem Düsseldorfer U-Bahnhof Heinrich-Allee.
Betreuung (mit Beate Bartel) der Studio- und online Sessions “Monika Werkstatt reworks Mania D., Malaria!, Matador” mit den Künstlerinnen: AGF, Anika (Annika Henderson), Beate Bartel, Gudrun Gut, Islaja, Lucrecia Dalt, Midori Hirano, Mommo G, Natalie Beridze, Pilocka Krach, Sonae.
2020/21 Remixes für Paul Frick “Schöneberg”, Gloria de Oliveira “The Only Wittness”, Hope “Shame”, Donna Maya “People Mover”.
Filmmusik and Deutsche Stimme (English: Charlotte Rampling) für den Albert Oehlen Film “The Painter/Der Maler”
Hybrid Collaboration Album “Gudrun Gut + Mabe Fratti: Lets Talk About The Weather” veröffentlicht im Sommer 2021 vom mexcianischen Boutique Label Umor Rex.
2021 Musikkuration UM-Festivals Uckermark.
Buch “M_DOKUMENTE”(Ventil Verlag) herausgegeben von Beate Bartel, Gudrun Gut und Bettina Köster. Dazu der 4 tägige Event im silent green kulturquartier Berlin mit Konzerten, Talks und Ausstellung sowie Record release “M_Sessions” – all about Mania D., Malaria!, Matador.
2022 Neue Filmmusik für den Murnau Film “Nosferatu” zusammen mit Irene Buckley und Linda Buckley, im Auftrag der Kulturabteilung der Irischen Botschaft Berlin, live am 8. November 22 in der Zwingli Kirche Berlin.
Supporting Einstürzende Neubauten in Kopenhagen DK (Koncertsalen) and Oslo NO (Ultima Festival, Sentrum Scene)
2023 Miniserie GUT (Regie: Heiko Lange / Creative Director: Gudrun Gut / Kamera: Johannes Funk /
Schnitt: Marvin Leibold / Produktion: Katrin Sandmann / Kobalt Documentary im Auftrag des rbb
(Redaktion: Christine Thalmann, Jürgen Stark) for ARD Mediathek.
– curating musical site of UM-Festival (festival for art, literatur and music) Uckermark
– 2023 part of the Berlin Club Commission Jury for “Tag der Clubcultur”
– redirecting and filming of new series GUT w Heiko Lange.
– new filmscore with Irene Buckley and Linda Buckley for “Nosferatu” commissed by the Embassy of Ireland, live in Berlin 8th of November at Zwingli Kirche
– Solo Gigs in Portugal, supporting Einstürzende Neubauten in Kopenhagen DK (Koncertsalen) and Oslo NO (Ultima Festival, Sentrum Scene)
– Monika Werkstatt in Novi Sad, Serbia SRB and at Xjazz Festival, Berlin DE
– concert at Keroxin Festival Tenerife ES
– curating musical site of M_Dokumente event at silent green Berlin DE
– Monika Werkstatt at Zodiak Festival “Bildet Nischen!” Berlin, Hebbel Theatre
– curating musical site of UM-Festival (festival for art, literatur and music) Uckermark
– concert at Begehungen Festival Chemnitz DE
– Resonanz 2.0: Composition for the showroom by Ralf Brög, U-Bahn Heinrich-Allee Düsseldorf DE
– artist talk at „CalArts“ in Los Angeles w John Tejada and at „NYU“ w Heiko Hoffmann.
– concert Elevate Festival Graz – Last show before Corona hit the wolrd.
– “MOMENT” solo album with concerts in Saudi Arabia, 6th Tomorrow Festival Shenzhen China, Russia, Tagomago Festival + La Terraza Magnética Festival Spain, Romania, France, Montreal Mutek Festival and artist talks in Germany (Operation Ton HH, Robert Johnson Theorie FFM) plus many more.
– “Dead Season” Musical Theatreplay at Hebbel Theater Berlin. A Collaboration of Monika Werkstatt (P.Krach, B.Bartel, Islaja, G.Gut) and Showcase Beat Le Mot.
– Monika Ambient Werkstatt at for 8 hours and 2 days atJüdisches Museum Berlin elektronische Live-improvisation in the light installation »res·o·nant« by Mischa Kuballwith – broadcasted on nts radio UK.
– ‘Listen to Berlin Award‘ for development and support of the Berlin musicscene
– lecture at Red Bull Academy Berlin
– playing at Royal Albert Hall London at Innervision night with Âme
– curating musical site of UM-Festival (festival for art, literatur and music) in Gerswalde Uckermark
– div Monika Werkstatt live events in Berlin, Malaga, Prague, Bucarest, Budapest, UK.
– Shitkatapult, Karaoke Kalk and Monika each celebrate 20 years labelwork as “SKM60 – Pop-Kultur Festival” August 23.-25. at Prater Berlin.
– “Le Petit Heimatlieder feat Gudrun Gut” Live at Um-Festival and c/o Pop Cologne
– Australia and Vietnam tour
– asince june 2016 jury member artist funding Initiative Musik Berlin
– visiting artist in Medellin/ Colombia – talk and openig concert for the music hall at the Museo de Arte Moderno Medellin
– studio working week in Mexico with Hans-Joachim Irmler and Gebrüder Teichmann’s mondmaschine in Malinalco and playing as Gut und Irmler at Nrmal Festival Mexico City
– Gut und Irmler Tour
– small Australia and New Zealand Solo Tour in February 2014
– female:pressure Activity Year: involvement in the counting of Female Artists on Festivals and in the Music Industrie for 3.3.13 Women’s Day and Pressrelease, co-curating the first female:pressure perspectives-berlin festival together with the Berlin female:pressure crew, involvement in the female:pressure Pussy Riot Freedom compilation
– part of the advisory committee of the new Berlin Musicboard
– div solo shows
– visiting artist in Lima, Peru – Concert and Workshop, Goethe Institut in November 2012
– div solo shows and shows with Greie Gut Fraktion
– Gudrun Gut received the V.U.T Golden Indie Axe award 2011 “to praise her unconventional approach as labelworker, as an artist and networker”
– PARADIESISCHES TOR Berlin / Istanbul – A collage of film, music and text curated by Sonja Bender + Gudrun Gut. August 27th 2011, Kesselhaus (Kulturbrauerei) Berlin- Ramadan Festival.
ISTANBUL: Alper Maral, Gözen Atila, Videos by Bengü Karaduman / BERLIN: Matador playing “Paradise” – a rare opportunity to see Gudrun Gut, Beate Bartel & Manon Pepita perform together again live on stage. Visuals by Sonja Bender – w. special Guest: Myra Davies, Annika Reich (text), Andrea Hanna Huenniger (text)
– div shows with Greie Gut Fraktion
– President of Qwartz Electronic Music Awards at Palais Bourse, Paris FR, Verleihung des Ehrenpreises an Laurie Anderson.
– solo concerts in Amsterdam NL, Istanbul Babylon TK, w. Lillevän at Kaleidoscope Festival Castel Sant’Elmo Naples IT, 28.12.2010
– oceanclub live radio with Myra Davies live, Greie Gut Fraktion live, Thomas Fehlmann live at Open Broadcast Basel CH, 14.-16.june 2010
– Greie Gut Fraktion: Baustelle live Wie Es Ihr Gefällt Festival Berlin, 20.3.2010, at Ether Festival Queen Elisabeth Hall London UK, 23. april 2010, at SteirischerHerbstGraz AT, 9.oct 2010, at Volksbühne Berlin 22.10.10
– Merz Akademie Stuttgart visiting artist dec 2009
– solo album (I Put A Record On) and concerts in Berlin DE, Le Lieuunique Festival Nantes FR, Offenbach De, Brisbane Room40 Powerhouse AUS, Melbourne AUS, Audiofoundation New Zealand Christchurch NZ, Wellington NZ, Auckland NZ, Peking Yugong Yishan CN, Torino IT, Boulder Communikey Festival US, San Francisco Mezzanine US, Portland Holocene US, Umea made festival SE, Chemnitz DE, w. T.Fehlmann Berlin Heute Festival Paris FR, Frankfurt/Main DE, w. Antye Greie/AGF Strom Festival Kopenhagen DK, Helsinki flow festival FI, oceanclub at SteirischerHerbst AU, w. T.Fehlmann Torino IT, Sarajevo BH, w. T.Fehlmann Bologna IT, w. T.Fehlmann Venecia IT, St.Petersburg Electro-Mechanica Festival RU, sylvester Berlin maria DE.
– University of Colorado, Boulder visiting artist april 2009, Communikey Festival
– 7Women No Cry – curating lineup for opening of Worldtronic Festival (visuals by Flora&Fauna Vision) 26. Nov 08 at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
– live performances on div. festivals in Spain, Sweden, Russia etc.
– Monika Labelnight at Unsound Festival Krakau, Poland. with Chica and the Folder, Gudrun Gut, Nov 24th 2007
– Monika 10 year label celebration at Volksbühne Berlin. with live sets by: Quarks, Chica and the Folder, Gudrun Gut, Cobra Killer, Michaela Melian, Masha Qrella, Barbara Morgenstern. Nov 4th 2007
– Gute Musik an unerhörten Orten – “Tiefsee-Wellen” Radio live aus dem Berliner Aquarium mit dem Oceanclub am 27.10.06 von 21:00 – 1:00 auf RadioEins – DJsets: Thomas Fehlmann, Olaf Zimmermann, live: Barbara Morgenstern, Moderation: Gudrun Gut
– GUTaRIST aka Gudrun Gut + Pipilotti Rist for Sonambiete Festival – a video + sound installation at the Polnische Botschaft Berlin, Unter den Linden 72, 1st of June till 15th of July 2006
– Gudrun Gut DJ at Transmediale Berlin 11th of February 2006
– OceanClub in Tokyo – presented by German Sounds and Third Ear with Bus, Morgenstern/Lippok, Le Petit Orb, Gudrun Gut, Kaito, Cappablack, Amerika Ruby + Third Ear live Acts + DJs 9th of October 2005 at Club Unit Tokyo, Japan
– markeB05 Berlin Label Festival curated by oceanclub (Daniel Meteo, Thomas Fehlmann, Gudrun Gut)
– Monika Nights/ ClubOceano in Buenos Aires with Barbara Morgenstern (live), Chica + the Folder (live), Gudrun Gut (DJ) and ChicaPaula (DJ) 18.09.04 with Brandon at Niceto and 19.09.04 at Pophotel.
– worldwide simultaneous DVD release Party for “Monikas Ascension” on 29th of May 2004 div. Ascension Day with partys in China, Russia, US, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland etc.
– markeB03 Berlin Label Festival curated by oceanclub (Daniel Meteo, Thomas Fehlmann, Gudrun Gut)
– Gudrun Gut supports Martin L. Gore Live Gigs in Germany with a special DJset: 24.4.03 Köln E-Werk, 26.4.03 Hamburg Docks
– marke B : Berlin Label Festival curated by Oceanclub (Daniel Meteo, Thomas Fehlmann, Gudrun Gut) and marke B discography as a book (Hsg: oceanclub, Verbrecher Verlag)
– Oceanclub in China – Bejing 5th November 2002 with Thomas Fehlmann (DJ + Live), Bus (Live), Gudrun Gut (DJ)
– Monthly Oceanclub nights at the WMF Lounge, Berlin (voted best German Club in several music magazines).
– Regular Dj guest appearances with the Oceanclub around Europe
– Co-producer and host of the successful Oceanclub volk.1-3 events at the Berlin Volksbühne, featuring electronic artists from seminal independent label/ shop/ distribution company Kompakt (“KölnKompakt”, June 2000), a huge label night for Mute Records (“StumMute”, November 2000) and a loving display of the broad range of Berlin-based artists in a comprehensive Berlin-label night (“Bärenmarken”, November 2001, MarkeB in december 2003, may 2005)
– Oceanclub at ARTEPLAGE EXPO Schweiz 19.+ 29. July 2002
– First Story Symposium and Concerts, Porto 2001 OPENING Galeria do Pal‡cio October 13th 2001 Concert by Barbara Morgenstern, DJ Selector: Gudrun Gut
– Cyberfeminism Festival, Bruxelles, Oct 2000 with workshop and performance.
– Oceanclub at the Meltdown Festival of German Music hosted by Daniel Miller, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, 1999
– Berlin Biennale Congress 2000, Brillenschlangen etc- a collaboration with Swiss performance artist Pipilotti Rist at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (House of World Culture), 1998
– founding the Label Monika Enterprise and starting OceanclubRadio with Thomas Fehlmann for RadioEins